Free Desert Safari Video For Advance Bookings

On our Heritage Desert Safari Collection, we use restored Series I and II Land Rovers. Fuel efficiency is only one element of calculating a vehicle’s environmental impact and since driving an electric car through the desert isn’t feasible, we found a way to reduce our environmental impact by rebuilding these old vehicles. It has been estimated that around 30-40% of the total greenhouse gas emissions over the life of a vehicle come from its manufacture.

Scrapping old vehicles creates large quantities of non-recyclable plastics, toxic heavy metals, asbestos, CFCs, PCBs and rubber products, all of which have to be disposed of. Keeping an old vehicle on the road instead of scrapping it and buying another one is a more eco-friendly option. As the largest growing fleet of active museum-quality Series I Land Rovers in the world, our vintage collection of 24 Land Rovers have already saved 18 vehicles each from production and scrap which is 270 vehicles collectively.

Free Desert Safari Video For Advance Bookings

The Wonders Of The Dubai Desert

The video will feature you and your family experiencing the wonders of the Dubai desert on your wildlife drive and on our Camel Desert Safaris. We have experienced drone operators that will capture your safari vehicle, either the vintage Land Rover or luxurious Range Rover as you travel among the golden sand dunes.

*Please note due to current Covid regulations set by the UAE government that certain activities within the itinerary may not be available.

После вашего сафари по пустыне мы отправим по электронной почте бесплатное видео вашей группы в течение следующих нескольких дней, чтобы вы могли заново пережить свое приключение в пустыне!

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Каждое видео стоит 300 дирхамов (80 евро) и доступно в наших самых популярных сафари по пустыне. Вы можете найти все подходящие сафари по пустыне на выбор ниже.

На каждое бронирование будет отправлено одно видео, и данное предложение регулируется положениями и условиями.

Самое роскошное сафари по пустыне в Дубае включает поездку по пустыне на Land Rover Defender, за которой следует изысканное меню из 6 блюд и увлекательные развлечения в виде акробатики и огня.